Alternatives to the Hourly Rate

[row] [span12] Many companies value and need cost certainty. For that reason, we offer these alternatives to the hourly rate:[/span12] [/row] [hr] [row] [span6] [caret_list]
  • Fixed-fee arrangements: Flat fee pricing for projects where hours can be estimated fairly accurately.
  • Retainer arrangements: For a negotiated fixed monthly flat fee, Steve will answer routine day-to-day legal questions and review documents without an access limit.
[/caret_list] [/span6] [span6] [caret_list]
  • Value billing: For more significant transactions such as mergers and acquisitions or securities, fees are capped at a negotiated percentage of the value of the transaction.
  • Creative alternatives: For situations that don’t fit into these packages, we can discuss any reasonable proposal that works to our mutual benefit.
[/caret_list] [/span6] [/row] Contact Steve today to discuss alternative fee structures for your situation.